Another path to service
The education provided by Jesuit High School puts students on track to fulfilling careers and well-rounded lives. Despite many options for a traditional college experience, some students also consider attending a military academy, which are prestigious schools that provide students with more than just a degree.
Each student has a different reason for applying to an academy, but the main reasons are to serve their country and receive free tuition.
Students can receive help applying to the academies through the counseling department.
“The academies want scholar-athletes and students interested in serving their country,” said Jesuit Counselor Ms. Van Liefde. “The Counseling Department is here to give the student the information and support him in the process.”
Many students at Jesuit want to serve in the military because of Jesuit’s main mission: to create Men for Others. Serving in the United States military is an unconventional way to be a Man for others.
“I decided to pursue a military career because I like the opportunities it presents me, and it is a way for me to serve others through my career,” said Todd Russell ’19. “The main thing I hope to gain from the academy is a way to serve others.”
Often, students are inspired by their family military history, pushing them to serve just like their ancestors.
“I decided to pursue a military career because of one word: service,” said Antonio Vargas ’19. “Being a senior here at Jesuit, I have learned about the necessity of being a man for others and putting the need of others ahead of our own need. But this is only part of the equation. I come from a proud line of military veterans, and the military is in my blood.”
Attending a military academy offers students the chance to prepare for the future and serve their country opportunities not available at traditional colleges.