Final preparations

The semester is coming to a close which means that as students across the nation get ready for Christmas break, they are also preparing for finals. While taking a 90-minute test for every class may seem daunting, there are studying strategies that can alleviate some of the stress.

Start studying early and often. Do not try and cram the night before the test because that is not an effective way to learn the material.

“Start studying early and don’t leave everything for the last week,” said Andrew Little ‘19.

Do not worry too much about finals. Prepare as best you can and believe in yourself. Get a good night sleep beforehand and make sure you are well rested for the final. Studying all night will not help; it will just leave you exhausted going into your exams.

“Don’t stress,” said Joe Beile ‘18. “Just go in and do your best.”

There are many different ways to study as well.  Some of the most common are flashcards, rewriting notes, review videos, and practice tests or review guides.

“Always do practice problems,” said Joe. “Don’t just know how to do it, actually do it.”

Remember to do your best, and that all you can do is prepare. Make sure you are well rested because you won’t be able to focus if you are exhausted. As you prepare for finals keep some of these strategies in mind, and hopefully, they can help you ace them.