Food drive: Let’s Go
From Nov. 26 until Dec. 8, Jesuit High School is hosting a Food Drive, and a Coat and Shoe Drive. Participating in these drives is a great way to give back to the community during the Holiday Season.
These two drives have been a tradition since the founding of the school. Proceeds from the food drive go to the Stanford Settlement, a non-profit organization that serves impoverished areas of Sacramento. The coats and shoes we gather here at Jesuit go to Loaves and Fishes, where they will be distributed to men in need.
“These drives are important, unfortunately, there is a need for warm clothing and food as we turn towards winter,” said the Christian Service Coordinator for Freshmen and Sophomores Mrs. Sara Brabec.
Jesuit students can help with these acts of charity in a few ways. Non-perishable food can be donated prior to the start of school in the parking lot by the chapel. Coats and shoes can be donated in the Jacob Lane circle. Students can also volunteer to help collect items at the pick up areas, or help unload the food collection truck on Dec. 8. Freshmen have a link in their google classroom page to sign up for half hour morning shifts for the coat drive.
Jesuit offers multiple incentives to students who donate to the food drive. Students can get a JUG pass for donating more than 125 pounds of food. Some teachers also offer extra-credit for donating to the drives.
During the holiday season it is important to remember and aid the less fortunate, and Jesuit High School provides some opportunities for this.