Helpful Homecoming Hints


Jesuit High School’s Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, Sept. 30. For many Freshmen, this will be their first date dance, a big moment in their early high school careers. As such, more seasoned Jesuit High School Marauders have come up with some tips to have the best possible time before, during, and after homecoming.  

“Ask with a sign with some kind of pun about her interests,” said Russell Kustic ‘19. “Bring some food, and make sure you spell everything on your sign right. Asking a girl to homecoming is nerve wracking, but remember to act confident the whole time.”

If you plan on going to homecoming with a friend, go with a girl who will have a fun time with you.

“Go to her house and pick her up,” said Eric Huitt ‘20.

It is best to pick up your date at her house so you can greet her parents and take pictures. Open the door to the car for her and sit in the back with her.

“First things first, always respect women,” said Russell. “You should try to dance to the songs, and ask her to dance during the slow songs.”

At the dance remember to be respectful to your date and be yourself the whole time. Attending your first homecoming is a valuable part of your high school career, and it is great to have fun at the dance.