Students donate 46 pints of blood in annual Blood Drive

Shane Lavery '20 | Plank

Student Carter Wink ’20 participates in Jesuit’s annual Blood Drive.

The Blood Drive is Jesuit High School’s annual tradition of giving blood. This life-saving practice has been at Jesuit for more than 20 years, and its most recent entry was last Thursday, Jan. 16.

This year, Jesuit collectively donated 46 pints of blood. This number is lower than previous years, with last year’s Blood Drive collecting 70 pints of blood. 

However, the blood collected this year still has life-saving potential. Each pint of blood can save up to three lives, meaning the blood collected this year could save up to 138 people.

For student Carson DeGeorge ’20, it was the chance to help someone in need that motivated him to give blood. 

“I donated blood because I wanted to be able to help people,” Carson said. “It’s the right thing to do, my grandfather did it, and I look up to him so I did it too.”

Just as the blood collected has untapped potential to save lives, the Jesuit community has the potential to donate more blood than what was collected from this year’s Blood Drive. 

Executive Council Secretary/Treasurer Kyle Anderson ’20 says that students still have opportunities to donate blood outside of Jesuit’s Blood Drive.

“There are other options in Roseville and downtown Sacramento … outside of school to still donate blood if students were sick or if they were in season for athletics,” Kyle said.

Jesuit’s Blood Drive is a shining example of being “Men for Others.” Students give themselves up to save the lives of others.