“Among Us” emerges from pandemic as the newest social crave amongst teenagers

Joe Watanabe '21

Graphic by Joe Watanabe ’21

“Among Us” came out more than two years ago, but has only now become a mainstream sensation. First released on June 15, 2018, the game has peaked this year with 438,524 concurrent players solely on the video game service, Steam.

There are two roles that are randomly assigned at the beginning of each game, imposter or crewmate. As an imposter, you are able to sabotage certain areas, and try to kill crewmates to win the game. As a crewmate you are given tasks to complete while keeping an eye out on who the imposter(s) could be. The crewmates can win by either having all crewmates complete their tasks or by voting out the imposter(s).

The game also includes character customization, allowing users to wear hats, choose clothes, or even have a pet; however, some of these options must be purchased.

With large gatherings being limited due to the pandemic, “Among Us” is a great way to keep in touch with friends according to Charlie Diaz ’22.

“I originally found out about ‘Among Us’ through some of my close friends,” Charlie said. “Since I haven’t seen most of my friends in person for the better part of half of a year, I figured that this would be an interesting new way to stay connected. Through Among Us, my friends and I have found a reason to talk to each other outside of texting, while simultaneously having a good time playing a fun game,”

One of the positives about the game is its simplicity; in fact, “Among Us” is so uncomplicated that Phoenix Ray ’24 finds it easy to play or watch the game while also watching a tv show.

“Some games are almost mindless, you can just play them while paying attention to other things at the same time,” Phoenix said.  “I like to [play] ‘Among Us’ while watching my detective shows. I watch Criminal Minds. It’s kinda cool [to have] the combination of those two.”

Unlike other games, “Among Us” is easily attainable and can be played by many different people. The game is available on cell phones and mobile devices for free or on the computer for $5. Andrew McDonald ’22 believes it’s easier to play the game with friends compared to other new releases.

“It is more accessible to ask someone to buy a $5 game than to have someone pony up $60 for a new release,” Andrew said.

Playing video games has always been a good way to pass time. During the pandemic, “Among Us,” has been a new game that Jesuit High School students and many others play to keep in touch with each other and have fun.